Weekend Online Workshop: “Mastering Photo Optimization in Photoshop”


I am excited to announce that I will be teaching a comprehensive live online workshop over the course of a weekend in April, focused on helping photographers make the most of Adobe Photoshop for optimizing their photos.

The live online workshop features:

    • Two full days of online “virtual classroom” sessions with live demonstrations and practical examples (don’t worry, we’ll take breaks throughout the day including a break for lunch).
    • Access to recordings of all workshop sessions, including the option to download the recordings to your computer or mobile device.
    • Opportunity to get your questions answered during the live online sessions.
    • Option to submit follow-up questions via email.
    • Limited class size to ensure personal attention.
    • And more!

The online sessions will be held on Saturday and Sunday, April 23-24, 2022, from 10:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Time. If you’re not able to attend part of the live online sessions you can review the recordings for any missed sessions and still get answers to your questions during the following sessions or via email.

If you would like to gain confidence in your ability to optimize your photos with the powerful tools Photoshop provides, you won’t want to miss this online workshop experience!

You can get all of the details of this comprehensive online workshop here:


I’ll hope to see you in my “virtual classroom” in April!

Webinar: “Top Photo Gear for Travel”


Today I shared some of my top tips for photo gear when traveling for photography in a live online presentation as part of the “GreyLearning Live!” webinar series.

During the presentation I shared tips that will help you travel light without sacrificing the quality of your photography or the effectiveness of your workflow. A recording of the full presentation is now available on my “Tim Grey TV” channel on YouTube here (be sure to subscribe!):


Teaching at Photoshop Virtual Summit 4!


I am excited to once again be teaching as part of the Photoshop Virtual Summit, which will be held May 2-6, 2022.

You can attend this online virtual event for free, learning from 40 classes over the course of five days, taught by myself and nineteen other great instructors. My classes will include “Perfect Color in Photoshop” and “Leveraging Layer Groups in Photoshop”.

There is also a VIP Pass that includes lifetime access to recordings of all presentations, class notes from all of the instructors, and more.

For a limited time you can get the VIP Pass Early Bird at a discounted price of just $99. After May 2nd the price will go up to $159, so you’ll want to register now.

For all of the details, or to register to attend the Photoshop Virtual Summit, go here:


Free Course on Night Photography Tips


Free Course. No Fooling!

Today is April Fool’s Day, but we aren’t fooling around when we tell you that we are offering access to my “Night Photography Tips” course for free.

This course was recorded on location in Europe way back in 2014, but the tips still hold true today. And you can get the course for free! Of course, just like all of my video training courses the “Night Photography Tips” course is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle. But if you’re not an Ultimate Bundle Subscriber, my course featuring tips for night photography can be accessed for free.

Just be sure to use this link to get started so the discount is included automatically:


Pixology Magazine April 2022


The April 2022 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Getting Meaningful Critiques
    Get tips for making the most of a critique of your photos.
  • Smartphone to Lightroom Classic
    Learn a workflow for importing smartphone photos to Lightroom Classic just as you would from a “normal” camera.
  • Speeding Up Lightroom Classic
    Discover ways you can help improve performance in Lightroom Classic to speed up your workflow.
  • Out of Bounds Effect
    Learn how to create an “Out of Bounds” effect where the key subject in a photo seems to extend outside the frame of that photo.
  • Photo Story: Fallen Barn
    The story behind a photo of a favorite old barn in the Palouse that was no longer there on my second visit to the area.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:



World Backup Day


Today is World Backup Day, which serves as a great reason to initiate or update your backup workflow.

I personally use GoodSync software to back up my photos and other data from my primary hard drives to backup drives. I also use the Backblaze service to back up my important data to the cloud to provide an offsite backup solution. You can learn more about both of these backup tools by using these links:

GoodSync: http://timgrey.me/greybackup

Backblaze: https://timgrey.me/onlinebackup

In addition, B&H Photo is offering specials on hard drives and other storage devices for World Backup Day, and you can get the details here:


Book Recommendation: No Boundaries


My friend Gabby Salazar is a photographer and former president of the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA), among many other accomplishments.

Gabby recently co-authored a book called No Boundaries: 25 Women Explorers and Scientists Share Adventures, Inspiration, and Advice, available in both hardcover and Kindle editions. The book is aimed at girls in the 10 to 14 age range but will surely appeal to a wider audience.

You can learn more about this great book that I highly recommend here:


Pixology Magazine March 2022


The March 2022 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Spring Cleaning
    Get tips for a strategy to do some “spring cleaning” with outtake photos.
  • Understanding Previews
    Learn about the different types of previews available in Lightroom Classic, and how to choose the right preview settings for your workflow.
  • Texture, Clarity, and Dehaze
    Learn about these helpful adjustments for bringing out detail in your photos, available in Adobe Camera Raw, Photoshop, and Lightroom Classic.
  • Targeted Color in Photoshop
    Discover a way to change the appearance of a specific range of color values using the Hue/Saturation adjustment in Photoshop.
  • Photo Story: Window Washers
    Get a reminder about the need to always be on the lookout for great photo opportunities no matter where you are.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:



Webinar Recording: The Best Photo Tips I Ever Learned


Today I shared “The Best Photo Tips I Ever Learned” in a live online presentation as part of the “GreyLearning Live!” webinar series. The presentation included tips about improving composition, being more creative as a photographer, choosing camera settings, and much more.

If you missed the live online presentation you can view a recording of the full presentation on my “Tim Grey TV” channel on YouTube here:


Upcoming Webinar: The Best Photo Tips I Ever Learned


On Wednesday, February 16th, at 12pm Eastern Time I will share “The Best Photo Tips I Ever Learned” in a live online presentation as part of the “GreyLearning Live!” webinar series.

Over the years I’ve learned many great lessons in photography from other photographers, and I’ll share the best of those tips in this live online presentation. You’ll learn about improving composition, being more creative as a photographer, choosing camera settings, and much more.

UPDATE: You can view a recording of the full webinar presentation on my “Tim Grey TV” channel on YouTube here:
