Today’s Question: What is the best configuration to use the same Lightroom Classic catalog on two computers? Do I need to move the catalog to an external hard drive?
Tim’s Quick Answer: Yes, if you want to be able to access the same Lightroom Classic catalog on more than one computer, my recommendation is to keep the catalog on an external hard drive. For convenience, I suggest keeping the catalog on the same external hard drive where your photos are stored.
More Detail: The core architecture of Lightroom Classic does not support storing the catalog on a network volume, which limits your options when it comes to accessing your catalog from more than one computer. While it is feasible to store the catalog on a cloud-based storage platform such as Dropbox or OneDrive, I don’t recommend doing so because of the risk of corruption or a lack complete synchronization.
Therefore, if you want to be able to access a single catalog on more than one computer, the approach I recommend is to store the catalog on an external hard drive along with your photos. You can then connect that external hard drive to any computer with Lightroom Classic and open the catalog from the external hard drive.
If you want to take this approach, first quit Lightroom Classic so the catalog won’t be in use. Then copy the folder that contains your catalog and related files to the external hard drive. Once the folder is copied, rename the original to indicate it is now just a backup copy, such as by adding “Backup” to the beginning of the folder name.
You can then double-click the catalog file (with the .lrcat filename extension) from the folder on your external hard drive to open that catalog in Lightroom Classic. Windows users should note that they’ll need to be sure the external hard drive retains the same drive letter on each computer, so Lightroom Classic can find them where they are expected.