Pixology Magazine February 2022


The February 2022 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Photoshop’s Best Kept Secret
    Learn why the Camera Raw filter may just be the best kept secret in Photoshop.
  • Folder Filtering
    Discover the various ways you can filter photos in Lightroom Classic by identifying favorite folders, adding color labels to folders, or performing a text search.
  • Sun or Moon Size
    Get tips for planning for photos that include the sun or moon, including understanding how to anticipate how large the sun or moon will appear in the frame.
  • Instant Panoramas
    Learn why most of my panoramic captures are now captured with a smartphone rather than a “real” camera.
  • Photo Story: Smartphone on the Street
    While a recent photo experiment ended up getting cut short, it still provided some great smartphone photo opportunities, as explained in this story behind a photo.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:


Pixology Magazine January 2022


The January 2022 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Finding Inspiration
    Get tips for finding inspiration in your photography.
  • Using Color Labels
    Learn ways you can use color labels to mark photos for various purposes to help streamline your workflow.
  • Dodge and Burn
    Learn to selectively lighten and darken areas of an image with great control in Photoshop.
  • Avoiding Noise
    Get tips for minimizing noise when capturing digital photos.
  • Photo Story: Fireworks Over Monaco
    Read about how a minor inconvenience turned into a fun photo opportunity during a visit to Monaco.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:


Webinar Recording: Favorite Settings in Lightroom Classic


Today I shared what I consider to be the most important and helpful settings in Lightroom Classic in a live online presentation as part of the “GreyLearning Live!” webinar series. The presentation included tips to help streamline your workflow, protect the information about your photos, and much more.

If you missed the live online presentation, you can view a recording of the full presentation on my “Tim Grey TV” channel on YouTube here:


Pixology Magazine December 2021


The December 2021 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Understanding Sidecar Files
    Learn to better understand the “sidecar” files that can be used to store standard metadata updates for proprietary raw captures.
  • Top Photo Accessories
    Discover some of the top photo accessories you may want to add to your photography and workflow.
  • Wide-Angle Tips
    Get tips on how to make the most of your compositions when capturing a wide field of view using a wide-angle lens.
  • Catalog Backup
    Learn why it is important to make use of the built-in catalog backup feature in Lightroom Classic, and how to configure that backup for your specific needs.
  • Photo Story: Alpine Layers
    Read about a photo that turned out unexpectedly well on a scouting trip to a mountaintop in the Alps of Austria.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:


Live Online Workshop: “Mastering Photo Optimization in Lightroom Classic”


I am excited to announce that I will be teaching a comprehensive live online workshop during the first two weeks of January, focused on helping photographers make the most of Lightroom Classic for optimizing their photos to perfection. This will include detailed coverage of the completely new approach to applying targeted adjustments in Lightroom Classic 11.

During our Black Friday promotion you can register for this live online workshop for just $79! After the promotion the price will return to $149.

The live online workshop features:

    • Six online “virtual classroom” sessions with live demonstrations and practical examples (each session is about two hours in duration).
    • Access to recordings of all workshop sessions, including the option to download the recordings to your computer or mobile device.
    • Opportunity to get your questions answered during the live online sessions.
    • Option to submit follow-up questions via email.
    • Limited class size to ensure personal attention.
    • And more!

The six online sessions will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 12:00pm to about 2:00pm Eastern Time. The first session will be on Monday, January 3, 2022, and the final session will be on Friday, January 14, 2022. If you’re not able to attend any of the live online sessions you can review the recordings for any missed sessions and ask questions during the following sessions or via email.

If you would like to gain confidence in your ability to optimize your photographs to perfection and realize your vision for each image, you won’t want to miss this online workshop experience!

You can get all of the details of this comprehensive online workshop here:


I’ll hope to see you in my “virtual classroom” in January!

20 Years of “Ask Tim Grey”!


I am absolutely thrilled to announce that today marks twenty years since I published the very first edition of the Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter.

To commemorate this major milestone, I have written an eBook called Behind the Answers that looks back at some of the anecdotes from over the years.

You can buy the eBook if you’d like to show your gratitude for the Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter, or you can get the eBook at a discount or for free if you prefer. Either way, thank you for being a reader!

You can get all the details about the eBook on the GreyLearning website here:


5DayDeal Photography Bundle 2021


The 5DayDeal Photography Bundle is available starting today, but it is only available for five days and then the deal is gone. This year my video course on “Photo Planning with PhotoPills” is included in the Pro Bundle, which is an upgrade from the standard Photography Bundle.

The 5DayDeal Photography Bundle includes over $2,000 in content for just $89. And the Pro Bundle and Complete Bundle upgrade options include additional content representing a significantly greater value.

You can learn all about the 5DayDeal Photography Bundle 2021 here:


But be sure to check it out now, because as the name tells you, the 5DayDeal Photography Bundle is only available for five days, through October 19th.

Starting Monday: Photoshop Virtual Summit

On Monday my first class on “Mastering Selections” will go live at 1pm Eastern Time as part of the online Photoshop Virtual Summit 2021, which is an online event featuring a total of forty presentations October 4-8, 2021.
In addition, the “early bird” pricing for the VIP Pass ends at 12pm Eastern Time on Monday. A VIP pass includes forever access to recordings of all classes, instructor notes for the classes, and more.
My second presentation for the Photoshop Virtual Summit will be on “Maximum Control in Photoshop”, and will go live at 10am Eastern Time on Wednesday, October 6th.
You can register for free (and get info about the special VIP Pass) here:
So, be sure to register now and join me and nineteen other instructors for five days full of great education on Photoshop starting on Monday!

Photoshop Virtual Summit 2021


I’m excited to announce that I’ll be teaching at the online Photoshop Virtual Summit during the week of October 4th through the 8th. And registration is now open!

Register Here: https://timgrey.me/pvs2021


Photoshop Virtual Summit
October 4 – 8, 2021
20 expert instructors teaching 40 classes
Over 30 hours of content! And you can watch it for free!

All classes are free to watch for a 48 period once they go live, and there’s an optional VIP Pass available for purchase that gives you lifetime access to the recordings of all classes, along with audio recordings, instructor-provided class notes and exclusive bonuses.

It’s going to be an amazing week of FREE education from some of the top Photoshop instructors in the world! I hope you can join me.


Pixology Magazine September 2021


The September 2021 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Resolution and Cropping
    Get insights on how to compare different cameras with sensors featuring different resolutions and different physical dimensions.
  • Quick Mask Mode
    Learn how to use the powerful “Quick Mask Mode” in Photoshop to refine or create selections.
  • Moving the Catalog
    Find out the right way to move your Lightroom Classic catalog to a different storage location, such as to easily access the catalog from more than one computer.
  • Apple M1 Processor
    A look at the pros and cons of the latest computers featuring the new Apple M1 processor, and whether you should consider buying now.
  • Photo Story: Circumnavigation
    Sometimes it is difficult to choose a favorite photo from a single trip, especially when the trip is relatively long and involves visits to multiple locations.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:
