Full-Resolution Sharing from Lightroom Mobile


Today’s Question: How can I email someone an image from Lightroom Mobile that is full resolution?

Tim’s Quick Answer: You can share a full-resolution image from the Lightroom mobile app by using the “Largest available dimensions” setting for Dimension when using either the “Share” or “Export as” options.

More Detail: When you share an image from the Lightroom mobile app the default image size is 2,048 pixels on the long side. However, you can also specify custom dimensions or use the full resolution of the image being shared with the Dimensions setting.

To get started select the image you want to share and tap the Share button at the top-right of the Lightroom mobile app interface. The icon for the Share button shows a rectangle with an arrow pointing up from the top. If you’re going to select the “Share” option, you need to click the settings button to the far right of the Share button to bring up the settings. If you simply click the Share button, you’ll be sharing with the default settings. Note that tapping the “Export as” option will take you to the same settings that you have when tapping the settings button associated with the Share button.

After tapping the settings button you can adjust the settings for sharing, including the file type, pixel dimensions, and other options. In this case you would select the “Largest available dimensions” option. Keep in mind, however, that if you are sharing an image that was synchronized from Lightroom Classic the maximum pixel dimensions will be 2,550 pixels on the long edge, because that image will have been synchronized as a smart preview rather than the original file format. Tap the checkmark icon at the top-right of the screen and you’ll be prompted with the options for sharing the image, including via email.

Photos to Smartphone for Sharing


Today’s Question: How can I get a set of photos (in several different named folders) from my desktop Windows computer onto my iPhone? Sync via iTunes is supposed to work and sort of does but about 10% of the photos never copy. Can I somehow use Lightroom Classic on desktop to get those photos onto the iPhone?

Tim’s Quick Answer: I think the simplest way to get photos from Lightroom Classic to a smartphone is to enable synchronization of collections of photos, which will then appear as albums in the Lightroom mobile app. This works great for both iPhone and Android smartphones.

More Detail: While you can use iTunes on Windows (or the built-in feature in MacOS) to synchronize photos to an iPhone, the process isn’t particularly streamlined, and I have heard from more than a few photographers who have struggled with getting synchronization to work consistently using iTunes for Windows.

If you’re already using Lightroom Classic to manage your photos, I think the easiest approach to getting selected photos onto your smartphone is to synchronize photos via collections in Lightroom Classic.

The first step is to create collections for the photos you want to synchronize to your smartphone and add photos to those collections. Then enable synchronization for the collections that contain photos you want to have on your smartphone. When you hover the mouse pointer over the name of a collection in the Collections section of the left panel in the Library module, you’ll see an icon to the left of the collection name. An empty box indicates that synchronization is not enabled, and you can click that box to turn on synchronization. A double-headed arrow that resembles a lightning bolt indicates that synchronization is enabled.

Once synchronization is enabled for one or more collections, the photos within those collections will be saved to the cloud. With Lightroom Classic those copies are smart previews, meaning they are saved as Adobe DNG files at a reduced resolution of about 2500 pixels on the long side.

You can then launch the Lightroom app on your mobile device, making sure you are signed in with the same Adobe ID used in Lightroom Classic. All collections you synchronized from Lightroom Classic will appear as albums within the Lightroom mobile app, making it easy to share those photos with others. Also, any changes you make to the images within the Lightroom mobile app, such as applying adjustments, will synchronize back to Lightroom Classic so you’ll see the updates there.

Resolution of Synchronized Images


Today’s Question: Can you be more specific as to the synced Lightroom Classic raw file changes in terms of resolution and conversion to DNG? If I shoot raw Nikon NEF formatted images, and sync a collection to the cloud, what or how much is lost in the cloud copy of the file? What about metadata that is in the raw file, does some of it get lost as well?

Tim’s Quick Answer: When you synchronize a raw capture to the cloud via a synchronized collection in Lightroom Classic, the cloud-based image is a smart preview. That means it is simply converted to the Adobe DNG file format and reduced in resolution to a maximum of 2,550 pixels on the long edge.

More Detail: Lightroom Classic supports the creation of smart previews, which can be used in lieu of the original image when the source file is not currently available. Among other things, smart previews enable you to optimize photos in the Develop module even if the source file isn’t currently available.

When you synchronize photos to the cloud from Lightroom Classic, they are converted to a smart preview, which as noted above means they are simply converted to an Adobe DNG file with a maximum resolution of 2,550 pixels on the long edge.

No metadata is lost in this process. For example, when you are viewing a synchronized image outside of Lightroom Classic such as with the Lightroom mobile app or Lightroom in a web browser, you would still be able to see the key metadata for the photo.

Furthermore, I think it is important to keep in mind that the smart preview stored in the cloud is simply a placeholder for the source image. Any updates you apply to the cloud-based image will be synchronized to the source image, such as if you add keywords or apply adjustments to an image. You can think of the cloud-based image in this context as a high-quality preview of the image that enables you to work with that image from virtually anywhere, without the burden of needing to synchronize the much larger raw capture to be able to get online access to your photos throughout the full Lightroom ecosystem.

Settings for Online Printing


Today’s Question: I’ve started making greater use of online printing and wonder if you can provide advice on how best to prepare files for this. For example, when I use my own printer I set the resolution to 300 ppi, but is that useful if I’m sending the file to an online printer? If I do use that resolution, it enlarges the file size often beyond what’s acceptable by the online printer. To decrease the file size I then reduce the pixel width, but does that reduce the quality of the final print? Are there other settings I should be using to best optimize an image for online printing?

Tim’s Quick Answer: Reduced resolution (as well as JPEG compression) can most certainly have a negative impact on print quality. I therefore recommend using a print service that allows you to upload large image files.

More Detail: There are two basic approaches I recommend when preparing images for online printing. My personal preference and recommendation is to resize the image and otherwise prepare it for the final output size, just as though I were printing the photo myself. The other option is to prepare the image at its native resolution and allow it to be resized by the printer.

I also recommend saving the file as a TIFF image, not JPEG. Even at a high quality setting it is possible for there to be visible artifacts when a JPEG image is printed, which are caused by the nature of the JPEG compression. I prefer to resize the image to the final output size at 300 pixels per inch, but you could also leave the file at the native size and allow it to be enlarged at the time of printing.

Some online photo printing services limit the file size you can upload, but this will not enable you to ensure optimal print quality for your photos. I therefore only recommend using an online print provider that will allow you to submit large files. For example, I have used Bay Photo (https://bayphoto.com) with very good results, and I’ve been able to upload large TIFF files for printing.

Lightroom Classic from Anywhere


Today’s Question: Since syncing [to the cloud] is possible with Lightroom Classic, can’t you work on your images on any device, thereby invalidating a potential benefit of Lightroom Cloud?

Tim’s Quick Answer: Yes, you can edit images synchronized from Lightroom Classic from virtually anywhere, such as by using the Lightroom mobile app or Lightroom in a web browser.

More Detail: One of the core features of the cloud-focused version of Lightroom is that it enables you to store photos in the cloud, so they are accessible from anywhere you have an internet connection. However, that same basic capability is included with Lightroom Classic as well.

The only real difference is that with the cloud-focused version of Lightroom the original files are stored in the cloud. With Lightroom Classic when you synchronize photos to the cloud the synchronized copies are saved as Adobe DNG files with a reduced resolution. But this doesn’t really impact your workflow in any meaningful way.

You can simply enable synchronization for the collections in Lightroom Classic that you want to have available from elsewhere. Then using the Lightroom mobile app or Lightroom in a web browser (https://lightroom.adobe.com) you can edit the synchronized photos. The changes you make will synchronize back to Lightroom Classic.

Note that while it is also possible to use the cloud-focused Lightroom desktop application to access photos that had been synchronized from Lightroom Classic, I don’t really recommend mixing the use of Lightroom Classic and Lightroom due to the risk of confusion in terms of where photos are actually stored.

Lightroom Classic to Adobe Portfolio


Today’s Question: I’m wondering if the same sort of procedure from Lightroom Classic on the desktop can be synchronized with the Adobe Portfolio of your images [for sharing photos online similar to the “Make Public” option for synchronized collections].

Tim’s Quick Answer: Yes, you can share directly from Lightroom Classic to Adobe Portfolio by enabling synchronization for one or more collections and then using the Adobe Lightroom integration to bring albums into Portfolio.

More Detail: Adobe Portfolio is a service that enables you to create a customized website featuring your photos, and it is included with the various Creative Cloud plans, including the Creative Cloud Photography plan that includes Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, and Photoshop.

At first glance it might not seem that Adobe Portfolio integrates with Lightroom Classic, because the only integrations shown are for Behance, Adobe Lightroom, and Adobe Stock. However, synchronized collections from Lightroom Classic count as albums in Adobe Lightroom when it comes to integrating with Adobe Portfolio.

The first step, of course, is to make sure you’ve enabled synchronization for the collections in Lightroom Classic that you want to make available on your Adobe Portfolio site. Once those albums are synchronized you can go to Portfolio (https://portfolio.adobe.com) to configure the albums.

On the left panel you’ll see when signed in to Adobe Portfolio go to the Integrations option in the Essentials section of the left panel. There you’ll see an option for Adobe Lightroom, and you can click Add Albums to add albums based on the synchronized collections from Lightroom Classic. This enables you to integrate collections of photos from Lightroom Classic into your Adobe Portfolio website.

Layers Lost After Lightroom Edit


Today’s Question: If you send a photo from Lightroom [cloud-focused version] to Photoshop and create layers, then do a Lightroom adjustment on the Photoshop file, all the layers are gone! This is terrible! Is there any way around this? This issue alone would prevent me from ever using Lightroom.

Tim’s Quick Answer: In this scenario the original layers aren’t actually lost, but rather a new flattened copy of the image is created. You could go back to the prior version of the image to get back to the layers, but that version won’t reflect the Lightroom adjustments. I would agree that this is an issue that can cause confusion and frustration.

More Detail: Both Lightroom and Lightroom Classic support the option to send an image to Photoshop for editing. However, they operate differently, and it is important to understand what to expect when including Photoshop in a workflow that revolves around Lightroom or Lightroom Classic.

In both cases, if you send a raw capture to Photoshop the result will be a new image, saved as either a Photoshop PSD or TIFF file. You can use layers and all other features within Photoshop before saving and closing the file. The resulting derivative image will be saved alongside the original and reflected in Lightroom or Lightroom Classic.

If you send the derivative image back to Photoshop without making any changes in Lightroom, then you’ll be right back to your layered image, just as you left it. However, if you had adjusted the derivative image in Lightroom, when you send that image back to Photoshop it will be a flattened copy of the original derivative image. That can be a bit alarming and can certainly be frustrating.

However, that flattened version is actually an additional copy of the original image. In fact, with Lightroom every time you send an image to Photoshop a new copy is created. If there were no Lightroom adjustments applied, the copy will retain the layers. If there were adjustments applied the copy will be flattened so it can reflect the adjustments from Lightroom.

In Lightroom Classic you have the option to choose “Edit Original” when you send a derivative image back to Photoshop. If you use this option the layers will remain intact, but any adjustments you applied in the Develop module on the derivative image will not be visible while you’re working in Photoshop.

With Lightroom the only way to continue working with the layered image is to be sure not to apply any adjustments in Lightroom. That obviously isn’t really an ideal workaround, but it does help avoid the potential confusion that exists in Lightroom Classic where you need to choose between three options when sending a derivative image to Photoshop.

So, in Lightroom the layers aren’t really lost, they’re just preserved in an earlier copy of the image. That may or may not be a problem depending on your workflow needs and personal preferences. But I do agree it would be much better if Lightroom behaved the same way as Lightroom Classic in this regard, so you could choose how to deal with derivative images in this context.

Blending Complicated Panoramas


Today’s Question: I’m all for the larger output resulting from a composite panorama, but if there is any motion in the subject matter (such as waves or wind-caused movement), a composite image can be very frustrating and not worth the bother. Any recommendations on how to minimize the effect of the motion in the composite image?

Tim’s Quick Answer: The primary things I recommend doing to help ensure greater flexibility when it comes to blending frames of a composite image for a scene with considerable movement would be to overlap the frames by a larger amount and to assemble the composite panorama with a manual approach in Photoshop.

More Detail: When there is movement within a scene you’re photographing for a composite panorama, movement within the scene can be problematic even if you’re using a fast shutter speed. For example, from one frame to the next the wind might cause objects to move within the frame, causing challenges when blending those areas of the panorama together.

To begin with, I suggest overlapping the individual frames for the panorama by more than you normally would. When using a reasonably long focal length beyond about 100mm (based on a full-frame 35mm format) you can overlap by around 20%. For wide-angle scenes I recommend overlapping by 50%. But if you know the frames will be tricky to blend together, I recommend overlapping by a bit more than these factors.

In this type of situation if the panorama doesn’t come together well using an automated approach such as can be done with Camera Raw, Lightroom, and Lightroom Classic, I recommend manually assembling the composite panorama in Photoshop. To get started with that process I recommend selecting the individual frames for the panorama in Adobe Bridge, and then from the menu choose Tools > Photoshop > Photomerge.

Using this command will bring up the Photomerge dialog in Photoshop. There you can set the Layout option to Auto, and make sure the “Blend Images Together” checkbox is turned on. The other checkboxes can be turned off, and you can click the OK button to begin assembling the composite panorama.

The resulting panorama will be a composite image with a layer for each of the images representing the individual frames. Each of those layers will have a layer mask that was automatically generated to blend the images together. You can then use the Brush tool to paint with white to reveal areas of the individual layers, and paint with black to block areas. This enables you to customize the blending, so that you can for example paint around areas where movement between frames prove to be problematic.

While this approach can involve a bit more work, it can also help ensure the best results in terms of seamless blending of the composite panorama. This is especially important for situations where movement in the scene makes it difficult to blend the frames of the composite panorama effectively, and so automated tools for assembling the panorama don’t yield the best results.

Pixology Magazine February 2024


The February 2024 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Tips for Night Photography: Get tips for capturing great photos with after sunset or before sunrise.
  • Lightroom in a Web Browser: Discover how you can access Lightroom from virtually anywhere through a web browser.
  • Print Output Levels: Learn how you can achieve maximum detail in prints by optimizing the black and white points before printing.
  • Snap Art Creativity: See how you can transform a photo with creative effects that mimic natural media such as paints or pencils.
  • Photo Story: Double Decisiveness: Learn how attention to detail and a bit of luck led to a nice photo.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:


Video Creators Virtual Summit


If you’re a photographer who also likes to capture or create videos, or even edit your photos into a video presentation such as a slideshow, you can learn more about video editing with the free Video Creators Virtual Summit that starts soon!

If you’re new to video editing, you can sign up for a Free Pass and get access to free mini-courses for beginners!

The Video Creators Virtual Summit is actually two events in one! There is the Premiere Pro Virtual Summit for those who want to focus on video editing, and the After Effects Virtual Summit for those who want to focus on special effects. And of course, you can sign up for both events!

The Video Creators Virtual Summit runs for five days from February 18th through the 22nd, and features 50 classes from 20 instructors.

Get your Free Pass (and learn about the benefits of a VIP Pass) here:
