Menu with Full Screen Mode


Today’s Question: I have Lightroom Classic and am watching your how-to videos. When you go to the top of Lightroom Classic a blue menu pops down with things to click on. Mine doesn’t do that. Have a Mac. Am I missing something?

Tim’s Quick Answer: The behavior you’re referring to is available when you are in the full screen display mode without the menu. In this display mode you can move your mouse pointer all the way up to the top of the screen and the menu will appear.

More Detail: You can cycle through the display modes in Lightroom Classic by holding the Shift key while pressing the “F” key. There are three modes you can cycle through, with the mode changing each time you press Shift+F. The first mode is normal window mode, with a floating window that includes the menu bar at the top. This window can be resized by dragging at a corner or edge of the window.

The next mode is full screen with a menu bar, so that Lightroom Classic will fill the entire available display area, with the menu at the top of the interface. This can be a convenient option, since the Lightroom Classic interface will take up as much space as possible, but with the menu bar visible and available at any time at the top of the screen.

My personal preference is to use the full screen display mode but with the menu bar hidden. This is the third option when you switch modes using the Shift+F keyboard shortcut. With this option enabled the Lightroom Classic interface will take up the entire screen, with no menu bar visible. To access the menu, simply move the mouse pointer to the very top of the screen and the menu will pop down. When you move the mouse away from the menu it will be hidden again.

If you press the Shift+F keyboard shortcut while in the full screen display with the menu hidden, you will cycle back to having Lightroom Classic in a window. Simply press Shift+F as needed to switch between display modes to the option you prefer.