Correcting Color Fringe


Today’s Question: I am reworking an older file that I took several years ago. I really like the image but there are some red artifacts in the unprocessed raw file that I can’t seem to correct. Is it normal to have artifacts in an unprocessed raw file?

Tim’s Quick Answer: The color fringing you’re seeing are chromatic aberrations and can be corrected using the Lens Corrections adjustments in Lightroom Classic or the Optics adjustments in Camera Raw or Lightroom.

More Detail: Chromatic aberrations are a type of visible artifact caused by certain lenses, particularly wide-angle lenses and lenses of relatively low quality. Fortunately, these artifacts can generally be corrected somewhat easily.

The first step is to turn on the “Remove Chromatic Aberration” checkbox on the Profile tab under Lens Corrections or Optics. I generally find this provides a good solution about half the time, and when it doesn’t resolve the issue, you can switch to the Manual tab.

On the Manual tab you can increase the value for the Amount sliders for Purple and Green, depending on which colors are present. These sliders affect the strength of the correction being applied to reduce the appearance of chromatic aberrations.

You can also use the two slider handles to adjust the Purple Hue and Green Hue ranges as needed. You want to expand the range enough to cover the full range of colors seen in the chromatic aberrations, but not so much that the effect impacts surrounding colors. For example, if you expand the Green Hue range to extend too far into blue, it could affect areas of sky.

By carefully balancing the strength of the effect for each color along with the range of color values being affected, in most cases you can greatly reduce the appearance of the chromatic aberrations. With many images that will translate to a complete correction without any color artifacts remaining.