Today’s Question: You mentioned that it was possible to have Lightroom Classic batch generate previews for all photos at once. How do you go about doing so?
Tim’s Quick Answer: You can rebuild previews for selected photos in Lightroom Classic by going to the menu in the Library module and choosing Library > Previews > Build Standard-Sized Previews. This includes being able to select all images in the All Photographs collection so you can build previews for your entire catalog.
More Detail: If you have some images without any previews or with previews that seem to have become corrupted and aren’t updating, you can build previews for selected photos, or even for your entire catalog. Note, however, that if you simply build previews that won’t replace existing previews. So if some previews seem to be corrupted you’ll need to discard the previews first.
You can discard previews for selected photos in the Library module by choosing Library > Previews > Discard Standard and 1:1 Previews. If you want to build previews for selected photos you can choose Library > Previews > Build Standard-Sized Previews.
If you want to ensure that previews are built for all photos in your catalog, start by going to the All Photographs collection in the Catalog section of the left panel in the Library module. Then be sure that the Library Filter bar above the grid view display is set to “None”, so that all photos will be visible without any filter. Then choose Edit > Select All from the menu to select all the photos. At that point you can discard previews if you want to replace all existing previews. If you just want to build previews for any photos that don’t have them, choose the Build Standard-Sized Previews command at this point. Lightroom Classic will then process all images, building previews for any that don’t already have previews.
Note that the process of building previews for a large number of photographs can take considerable time. This can range from several hours up to potentially several days, depending on how many photos need to have the previews built.