Today’s Question: When I export a photo from Lightroom Classic for a particular project, I add a keyword to the photos to indicate which project they are being used for (based on your “fake keywords” advice). However, sometimes I forget to add that keyword. Are photos that get exported from Lightroom Classic marked as such in anyway, so I can at least find the photos I’ve exported and update the keywords as needed?
Tim’s Quick Answer: There is actually a new filter option in Lightroom Classic that lets you filter images based on those that have previously been exported versus those that have never been exported.
More Detail: A recent update to Lightroom Classic adds an Export option to the Attribute category of filters for your images, enabling you to filter photos based on those that have previously been exported or those that have never been exported.
The Export option can be found on the Attribute tab of the Library Filter bar above the grid view display in the Library module (choose View > Show Filter Bar from the menu to reveal the bar if it is hidden). You can also find the same buttons among the set of filter options at the top-right of the bottom panel above the filmstrip.
There are two buttons associated with the new Export option. Clicking the first will set a filter based on images that have previously been exported from your Lightroom Classic catalog. The second button will set a filter for those images that have never been exported.
It is possible to turn on both options at once, which means all images are shown regardless of their export status, so be sure that only one of the options is turned on when you’re looking for only photos that have been exported versus those that have not.