Today’s Question: In reviewing your answer about updating copyright information for multiple photos in Lightroom Classic, I am not able to find the Copyright field or many other fields at all. In the Metadata section I only see the filename, the image dimensions, and a few other fields. How do I access all the other metadata fields?
Tim’s Quick Answer: You can change which metadata fields are displayed by selecting an option from the popup that appears to the left of the Metadata heading on the right panel in the Library module. I generally prefer the “EXIF and IPTC” option because it enables a large number of helpful metadata fields.
More Detail: You can choose which set of metadata fields you want displayed in the Metadata section on the right panel in the Library module by choosing an option from the popup to the left of the Metadata heading.
There are a variety of options available, including the “Default” option that includes fields such as the filename, copyright info, star rating, color label, and capture time. My personal preference is the “EXIF and IPTC” option, which includes the capture information recorded by the camera along with other commonly used fields including contact information, copyright details, and the Title and Caption fields.
Of course, the best option depends on your particular preferences in terms of which fields you tend to refer to the most or tend to update. I encourage you to review the options available from the popup to the left of the Metadata heading, so you can choose the setting that includes the most useful metadata fields for you.
In fact, you could even customize your own configuration for the Metadata section by choosing Default from the popup and then clicking the Customize button that will then appear at the bottom of the metadata section.