Today’s Question: Do you have any tutorial on Nik Software by DxO?
Tim’s Quick Answer: Yes, indeed, I have a course in the GreyLearning library with chapters on getting started with the Nik Collection, Color Efex Pro, Viveza, Silver Efex Pro, Analog Efex Pro, HDR Efex Pro, Dfine, and Sharpener Pro.
More Detail: The Nik Collection has gone through several iterations over the years. It was first released by Nik Software, which was eventually acquired by Google. More recently the Nik Collection was acquired by DxO (https://nikcollection.dxo.com).
I do have a video course that covers the Nik Collection by DxO, which you can get at half price by using this link to get started:
The Nik Collection includes some great software, especially when it comes to applying special effects to photos. For example, I think Silver Efex Pro and Analog Efex Pro are excellent. Some of the other tools in the collection are a bit more dated, and not as good as other applications that are available.
For example, my software of choice for creating high dynamic range (HDR) images is Aurora HDR, which you can find here: