Today’s Question: What happened to the “Classic” Presets in Lightroom Classic 7.5 [for the Develop module]? There used to be a pretty extensive list of so-called “Classic” presets that included the AI-based Auto Toning feature that evaluated each image and applied auto toning.
Tim’s Quick Answer: The “Classic” presets have been hidden but are still available. You can right-click within the Presets area of the left panel and choose “Manage Presets” to bring up a dialog that enables you to choose which presets to display.
More Detail: The presets in the Develop module were re-organized with a recent update to Lightroom. This caused some third-party presets to be lost, requiring that they be re-installed. It also caused some of the categories of presets to disappear, but they are still available.
To modify the list of presets, start by right-clicking in an empty area within the list of presets on the left panel in the Develop module. On the popup menu that appears, choose the “Manage Presets” command. This will bring up the Manage Presets dialog, which lists the categories of presets available.
In this case you’ll notice the checkboxes for the preset categories beginning with “Classic” are turned off. You can turn on the checkbox for any of those categories that you’d like to still have available on the Presets list. Then click the Save button to close the Manage Presets dialog, and the Presets section will now reflect the selected categories of presets.