Long Exposures with Smartphone


Today’s Question: I was reviewing your video course on long exposures [“Creative Blurs”, https://www.greylearning.com/courses/creative-blurs] and that got me wondering if those types of effects could be created with a smartphone.

Tim’s Quick Answer: Yes, it is possible to get photos with some degree of motion blur effect with a smartphone, but it is very difficult to control enough to get consistently good results.

More Detail: Smartphone cameras don’t enable us to control the exposure settings the same way you can with other cameras, and in many cases if you attempt to photograph a dark scene the smartphone will compensate such as by raising the ISO setting to compensate.

There are some apps that enable you to create long exposure effects with a smartphone. For example, the Lightroom mobile app includes options for adjusting exposure, including shutter speeds of up to one second. However, because you’re not able to adjust a lens aperture to reduce the amount of light, it can be difficult to get a long exposure except under dark conditions or by holding a neutral density filter in front of the lens.

There are other apps that enable you to capture long exposures more consistently, but most of these use a process of capturing a series of photos and blending them together, which doesn’t always result in a long exposure that looks like photos captured with the traditional photographic technique. These apps include Slow Shutter Cam and ProCam 8, for example.

In addition, the default Camera app for iPhone and iPad includes the ability to create a long exposure effect. This can be accomplished by capturing a photo in the Live Photo mode, and then browsing the photo and changing the “Live” popup to “Long Exposure”. This will take the multiple frames captured for the Live Photo and create a motion blur effect based on the variation of the frames.

Ultimately, while you can certainly achieve a long exposure effect with a smartphone, you’ll be able to get much better results using a proper camera instead.

Export versus Workflow


Today’s Question: Thank you for your excellent course on Adobe Bridge. In watching the lessons, I notice that the Export and Workflow features seem to have a lot of overlap, as they both involve exporting copies of photos. Do you recommend one over the other?

Tim’s Quick Answer: I recommend the Export feature over the Workflow feature, in large part because the Export feature is more streamlined and has less potential for confusion.

More Detail: The Export and Workflow features in Adobe Bridge are both focused on enabling you to create derivative copies of photos quickly and easily. In both cases you can define and save the parameters for how you want photos processed for a particular purpose, and then process selected photos in batch. Both are similar to the Image Processor feature in Photoshop that has long been accessible from Bridge as well.

There are two key differences between the Export and Workflow features. First, with Export you define all the settings for processing images within a single dialog, while with the Workflow feature you use a workspace to define individual components of a workflow. This makes the former a little more streamlined in my view, and the latter potentially a bit more confusing and cumbersome.

The other difference is that with the Export feature you don’t have the option to rename as part of the option to export photos. With the Workflow feature you can include a step to rename the copies of the photos you’re creating. However, since the renaming is template-based, this can actually be a bit problematic. For example, there isn’t an easy way to include custom text for each set of photos you create with the Workflow feature. You would need to use a custom workflow each time you wanted a different file naming structure when processing photos.

Therefore, I recommend the Export feature over the Workflow feature. If you also want to rename the photos after processing them with the Export feature, you can simply use the Batch Rename command (Tools > Batch Rename) to rename the exported copies of photos with flexibility, including the ability to use custom text as a component of the filenames.

Post-Processing is Just Processing


Today’s Question: This may be a silly or pedantic question, but it is something that always struck me as odd. Why do photographers refer to “post-processing”? Isn’t it just “processing”, as in applying adjustments?

Tim’s Quick Answer: The term “post-processing” is a reference to post-capture processing, meaning adjusting the image after the capture.

More Detail: This is actually a question I’ve been asked on more than one occasion, perhaps because I tend to use the term “post-processing” somewhat frequently, and it has struck some photographers as an odd term.

While most of the processing we do to our photos happens after the photo is taken, there is an element of processing in the camera based on the camera settings and capture techniques we use. I therefore think it is fair to refer to the adjustments we apply after the capture as post-capture processing. This term is often shortened to simply “post-processing”.

Of course, perhaps I’m just biased because I tend to use the term “post-processing”. To me it makes sense. But obviously at least a few photographers disagree and think there’s no need to put “post” in front of “processing”.

In any event, I appreciate the question and don’t think it was silly. It was a fun diversion from the more typical questions I tend to receive.

JPEG versus JPG


Today’s Question: This may be a silly bit of trivia, but is there a difference between JPEG (4 letters) and JPG (3 letters)? I see it both ways quite often, and I’ve never understood whether there was a difference and if there isn’t why there are two ways to describe the same type of image.

Tim’s Quick Answer: JPEG and JPG both refer to the exact same thing: an image in a standard file format created by the Joint Photographic Experts Group.

More Detail: The JPEG image format gets its name from the committee that shares its name, so technically the initialism for the file format should be JPEG, including the “E”, because that represents the full name of the committee.

The reason JPG (without the “E”) has become a common way to refer to the file format is that when the format was originally created in 1992, computer operating systems typically limited you to a filename in the “8.3” format, with an eight character base filename and a three character filename extension. Thus, the JPEG file format has long been referred to based on the original filename extension of JPG.

With newer operating systems supporting long filenames, including long filename extensions, we can now save files with a complete JPEG filename extension, without having to exclude the “E”. However, in many cases the format is still referred to as JPG, and many software applications still default to using a three-letter filename extension of JPG rather than using the four-character extension of JPEG.

Oh, and I don’t think it’s a silly question at all.

Retaining Old Catalogs


Today’s Question: I was wondering if there is any reason to keep all the past Lightroom Classic catalog files. I’ve never deleted any of my catalog files but if the most recent one has all prior history, then I wouldn’t need to keep them.

Tim’s Quick Answer: As long as the old catalogs are predecessors to your current catalog, you can most certainly delete those catalogs without losing any information. I do recommend, of course, that you make sure Lightroom Classic is behaving normally and that you have a backup of your current catalog before deleting the older catalogs.

More Detail: One of the common sources of confusion and frustration among the photographers I consult with is the presence of numerous catalogs alongside their current catalog. For example, photographers often don’t understand why they have multiple catalogs when they only ever created a single catalog the first time they started using Lightroom Classic.

The issue here is that with some of the major updates to Lightroom Classic the catalog format needs to be updated to support new features. When the catalog is updated, the existing catalog is left unmodified, with a new catalog being created as part of the upgrade process. With more recent updates the new catalog has text added to the filename to indicate the version number, such as “-v13” for the current version 13 of Lightroom Classic. With earlier versions the text “-2” would be appended, which led many photographers to end up with a catalog filename such as “Lightroom Classic Catalog-2-2-2.lrcat” after several updates over time.

As long as the older catalog copies are based on new catalog files being created with some of the major updates to Lightroom Classic, the older catalog files can be deleted. I recommend that instead of deleting the files right away, you move them into a “Backup” folder so you can recover them if needed. This will enable you to make sure you didn’t accidentally delete a file related to the current catalog, for example.

Note that you want to preserve the “helper” files for your catalog when moving or deleting older catalog files. For example, if you have a catalog called “Lightroom Classic Catalog-v13.lrcat”, the helper files will have either the exact same base filename with a different filename extension, or the same base filename with additional words. For example, the “Lightroom Classic Catalog-v13 Previews.lrdata” file contains the image previews associated with the photos being managed by the catalog. Be sure to retain those helper files when moving or deleting older catalog files.

And if you aren’t confident that the files were predecessors to your current catalog, but were instead other catalogs you created at some point, you will want to review those catalogs to make sure they don’t contain any photos that aren’t being managed by your current catalog.

Pixology Magazine March 2024


The March 2024 issue of Pixology magazine is now available, featuring the following articles:

  • Color Tint for Black and White: Learn how you can easily add a color tint featuring one or more colors to a black and white image.
  • Slideshow Tips: Get tips for creating a great photo slideshow presentation.
  • Workspaces in Bridge: See how you can customize the interface in Adobe Bridge, and save workspaces focused on specific tasks in your workflow.
  • Bean Bag Supports: Learn about options for flexible camera support using a beanbag.
  • Photo Story: Be Prepared: Read the story behind a photo that worked out well despite a complete lack of preparation.

Pixology magazine is included in the GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone subscription here:


Transform Tools Moved


Today’s Question: I seem to be missing all the tools for straightening and perspective distortion. I believe they were under Optics. Where are they now?

Tim’s Quick Answer: In Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom the straightening and geometric adjustments are now found on the “Crop, Rotate, Geometry” panel, under a “Geometry” heading.

More Detail: In a recent update to both Camera Raw and Lightroom, the Transform adjustments were moved from the Optics section of the Edit panel to the updated “Crop, Rotate, Geometry” panel. In addition to the crop and rotation adjustments, there is now a Geometry section that includes the various sliders for transforming an image, along with the Upright controls.

In Lightroom Classic these tools remain primarily in the Transform section of the right panel in the Develop module, though some related adjustments are found with the Crop tool.

Bridge or Lightroom Classic


Today’s Question: I’m curious to know if your new course on Adobe Bridge is an indication that you use or recommend it over Lightroom Classic?

Tim’s Quick Answer: I am still using Lightroom Classic to manage my photos, but I do think Bridge is a good option for photographers who either don’t feel they would benefit from the catalog in Lightroom Classic or are (understandably) concerned about ending up with problems due to the catalog.

More Detail: I personally prefer the benefits of the catalog in Lightroom Classic, but I also recognize that many photographers have ended up with a mess in their workflow due to not managing that catalog properly. For those who don’t feel they would benefit from the catalog in Lightroom Classic, or are concerned about creating a mess, Adobe Bridge is a good alternative to consider.

In my view there are two key benefits to the catalog in Lightroom Classic. First, you can search across your entire catalog of photos based on a wide variety of metadata criteria virtually instantly. Second, you can browse and manage photos even when the source files aren’t available, such as when an external hard drive containing photos is disconnected.

The risk the catalog introduces is that you’ll end up with photos or folders that Lightroom Classic isn’t able to locate. This only occurs if you make changes outside the catalog. As long as all changes are made within the catalog, there won’t be any such issues.

Because many photographers aren’t interested in using Lightroom Classic, and have not been shy in letting me know, I wanted to make sure that the GreyLearning library included courses to meet the needs of those photographers.

Note that while I use Lightroom Classic to manage my photos, I still use Bridge for other purposes. Bridge is more than just a photo browser, after all, enabling you to browse all file formats that are otherwise supported by Adobe software. I therefore use Bridge to manage my publication files, video and audio recordings, and much more.

If you’d like to get a better understanding of the differences between Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Lightroom Classic, and Adobe Bridge, check out the recording of my webinar presentation on my Tim Grey TV channel on YouTube here:


Unable to Browse Multiple Folders


Today’s Question: In Adobe Lightroom [not Lightroom Classic] on the Local tab is there a way to browse photos from multiple folders at once? I downloaded photos into folders by day during a three-week trip and need to correct the capture time for the photos from five days of the trip.

Tim’s Quick Answer: On the Local tab in Adobe Lightroom you’re only able to select a single folder at a time, and there isn’t an option to see the contents of subfolders. The easiest solution in this case might be to simply apply the capture time correction individually to each of the five folders.

More Detail: I have to assume that at some point Adobe will update Lightroom to include the option to select multiple folders (as you can do in Lightroom Classic) or to show all photos from all subfolders (as can be done in both Bridge and Lightroom Classic).

If the five folders in question share a common parent folder that doesn’t contain any other folders, you could use Adobe Bridge to update all the photos in one step. Simply select the parent folder and turn on the option on the menu at View > Show Items from Subfolders.

If the folders don’t share a common parent folder, you can create a new collection on the Collections panel and add the photos from the five applicable folders to the collection. Then select all photos in the collection and update the capture time for all of them there.

Note, by the way, that while you can mix and match the use of Bridge and the Local tab in Lightroom, I do not recommend adding Lightroom Classic to the mix. If you’re using Lightroom Classic you should only use Lightroom Classic to manage your photos, and if you’re using something else you should not use Lightroom Classic. That’s because Lightroom Classic involves the use of a catalog, whereas Bridge and the Local tab in Lightroom are browsers that don’t use a catalog.

Deleting JPEG of Raw+JPEG Pairs


Today’s Question: In my early digital days, I set my cameras to save raw + JPEG. I’ve since stopped that, but my Lightroom Classic catalog contains lots of those pairs. Is there any reason I might need those JPEG files? And can you suggest a way to find and delete those presumed extraneous files?

Tim’s Quick Answer: You more than likely don’t need to keep the JPEG images that were part of a Raw+JPEG pair. However, there isn’t really an easy way to remove them all without manually reviewing the images.

More Detail: In my view you don’t need to retain the JPEG images from Raw+JPEG pairs unless you had applied adjustments in the camera that you want to be able to reference. Those adjustments would not be applied to the raw capture.

Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy way to remove the JPEG images without the risk of accidentally deleting JPEG images that weren’t part of a Raw+JPEG pair.

By default, Lightroom Classic will download the JPEG image for each Raw+JPEG pair, but won’t add the JPEG images to the catalog. If you had kept the “Treat JPEG files next to raw files as separate photos” checkbox turned off on the General tab of the Preferences dialog, the JPEG images will be in the applicable folders but not in the Lightroom Classic catalog.

In this situation you can right-click a folder and choose “Synchronize Folder” from the popup menu. Turn on the “Import new photos” checkbox, and turn off the “Remove missing photos from catalog” and “Scan for metadata updates” checkboxes. There will be a number to the right of the first checkbox if there are actually images in the folder that aren’t in the catalog. Click Synchronize to import those photos. Then go to the “Previous Import” collection in the Catalog section of the left panel in the Library module, which will contain the images just imported. Under ideal circumstances those will represent only the JPEG images that were excluded based on Raw+JPEG pairs, and can be deleted.

If the JPEG images had originally been imported along with the raw captuers you could sort by filename and scan to confirm that all JPEG images relate to a raw capture. If so, you can set a filter by file type for JPEG images and then select and delete them. I would perform this task one folder at a time, however.

There had been some plugins that purported to find the JPEG images from Raw+JPEG pairs, but the ones I’m familiar with have either not been updated recently or have gotten mixed reviews from photographers.