Today’s Question: Is there no “delete” command in Adobe Bridge? I can’t find the command anywhere, so the only option seems to be pressing the Delete key and clicking the Delete (rather than Reject) button.
Tim’s Quick Answer: There is a Delete command in Adobe Bridge, but it is labeled “Move to Bin”, which is admittedly a bit confusing.
More Detail: Some time ago Adobe changed the “Move to Trash” command in Bridge to “Move to Bin”. My assumption is that this was done so that the same command could be used on Windows and Macintosh. In general, when you delete a file it isn’t immediately deleted, but instead put in the Recycle Bin on Windows or the Trash on Macintosh. I assume “Move to Bin” was intended to be a generic version that would work on both platforms.
However, I found this change to be confusing, and many photographers have posted in online forums that they dislike the change.
So, you can select one or more images in Bridge, and either right-click on a selected image or go to the File menu and then choose “Move to Bin” to delete the selected files. They will then be moved to the Recycle Bin (Windows) or Trash (Macintosh).
You can also use a keyboard shortcut to delete selected images, which is Ctrl+Delete on Windows and Command+Delete on Macintosh.
Note by the way that if you have the PathBar (Window > PathBar) enabled, that toolbar includes a Delete button (trash can icon) to delete selected photos. Amusingly, that button is identified as the Delete button, but functions the same way as the “Move to Bin” command.