Windows 11 Upgrade


Today’s Question: Have you heard anything about issues when upgrading to Windows 11 from 10 and how it affects Lightroom Classic or Photoshop? We are considering upgrading and would like to know your thoughts.

Tim’s Quick Answer: Not only do I consider it safe to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11, but I also highly recommend doing so as soon as possible because Microsoft will no longer be providing updates to Windows 10 after October of this year.

More Detail: First and foremost, I consider it safe to upgrade to Windows 11 from Windows 10. I have upgraded perhaps a dozen computers to Windows 11 myself, and I’ve heard from many others (including folks at Adobe) who have indicated there are no significant issues with the upgrade in terms of an impact on Adobe applications. I have had good experience using Lightroom Classic, Lightroom, Photoshop, Camera Raw, and Bridge on Windows 11.

Perhaps more importantly, however, is that later this year Windows 10 will reach the end of its support lifecycle. As of October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide updates to Windows 10, with version 22H2 being the final version. In particular, this means those who choose to continue using Windows 10 will not receive security updates, which could put their computers at risk.

I strongly recommend upgrading to Windows 11 well before October of this year to give yourself plenty of time to manage that migration before support for Windows 10 ends.