Today’s Question: When I create a virtual copy in Lightroom Classic, the new image is called “Copy 1” or “Copy 2”, etc. If I try to rename the virtual copy, the original image gets renamed. Is there a way to just change the “Copy 1” name to something that tells me what I did to the copy, like “Black & White”?
Tim’s Quick Answer: Yes, you can change the name for a virtual copy in Lightroom Classic by editing the Copy Name field in the Metadata section on the right panel in the Library module.
More Detail: When you create a virtual copy from an original photo in Lightroom Classic the virtual copy will be given a name such as “Copy 1” for the first copy, “Copy 2” for the second copy, and so on. By default this name is shown in place of or in addition to the filename of the source image, such as with the thumbnail in the grid view or above the filmstrip on the bottom panel.
As noted in today’s question, if you use the Rename Photo command with a virtual copy, you’ll actually be renaming the original source image, since the virtual copy is simply a reference to the original with a different set of metadata.
However, you can also edit the virtual copy name using the Copy Name field in the Metadata section of the right panel in the Library module. Note that the Copy Name field is not always displayed in the Metadata section, depending on which view option you’ve selected. For example, if you choose the Default option from the popup to the left of the Metadata heading, the Copy Name field will not be shown unless you had customized the Default view to include that field. I typically prefer the “EXIF and IPTC” option for the metadata view popup, which does include the Copy Name field.
To change the name of a virtual copy, simply edit the text in the Copy Name field. As soon as you do so, the copy name will update accordingly. I recommend using a name that provides an indication of why you created the virtual copy, or what purpose it serves. This provides much more utility than having a virtual copy that is simply called “Copy 1”, for example.
For more tips and tricks for Lightroom Classic, check out my upcoming GreyLearning Ultimate Event, with details available here: