Import Counters Don’t Count


Today’s Question: I was checking my settings in Catalog Settings for Lightroom Classic, and noticed the “Import Number” and “Photos Imported” fields both show a value of one, even though I’ve imported many photos many times. Do these fields serve some sort of purpose, and if so why do the numbers never change?

Tim’s Quick Answer: The fields in question relate to the option of being able to rename photos to include a number based on how many times you’ve imported photos, as well as a number based on the total number of photos imported. The options in Catalog Settings allow you to change the current number for each field if needed.

More Detail: Lightroom Classic includes a variety of options for defining a template to rename photos. It is worth noting, especially in the context of today’s question, that there are different options for renaming based on whether you access the Filename Template Editor from the Library module or the Import dialog.

In the import dialog if you choose Edit from the Template popup in the File Renaming section of the right panel, the Filename Template Editor dialog that appears will include a Numbering section where you will find popups for “Import #” and “Image #”. For each you can select an option between one and five digits, to allow for leading zeros that will help ensure proper sort order when sorting by filename.

If you use the “Import #” token in a template for renaming photos, each time you import a batch of photos into Lightroom Classic the number will increment by one. That, in turn, means the value you see for “Import Number” in the Catalog Settings dialog will increment to reflect the updated number.

The same concept applies for the “Image #” token for renaming photos, except that this option relates to the total number of images imported that included the “Image #” token as part of the template for renaming. Therefore, when you use this token to rename images, the value for “Photos Imported” in the Catalog Settings dialog will increment based on the total number of photos you’ve imported while renaming with the “Image #” token.

Of course, if you don’t use the “Import #” or “Image #” tokens for renaming photos upon import, then the values shown in the Catalog Settings dialog will remain at zero. That is the reason you’re seeing both fields with a value of one, because that is of course the starting value, and you’ve not used either token that would cause those values to increment.