Workspace Changes in Adobe Bridge


Today’s Question: In Adobe Bridge can you make changes on-the-fly to an existing workspace, for example the Light Table workspace without saving the changes or are all modifications saved automatically?

Tim’s Quick Answer: If you make changes to a workspace without saving, then the changes are not preserved as part of the selected workspace. In other words, if you then reset the workspace, you’ll undo the changes you made that were not saved.

More Detail: Adobe Bridge provides a pretty good amount of flexibility in terms of configuring the interface. This primarily revolves around choosing which panels will be visible versus hidden and how the visible panels are arranged and grouped.

To customize the workspace, you can start by selecting a workspace that represents a good starting point by choosing Window > Workspace from the menu and then selecting the desired workspace from the submenu. You can then choose panels from the Window menu to reveal or hide panels based on your preference. You can also drag panels around to arrange them to better suit your workflow preferences, including the option to group panels together to consolidate them.

As you make changes to the current workspace, those changes are not saved as part of the workspace you selected. The changes will simply be retained until you make a change or choose a different workspace.

If you want to preserve the changes you’ve made to the workspace, you can go to the menu and choose Window > Workspace > Save Changes to this Workspace to update the current workspace to reflect the changes you’ve made. If you want to preserve the existing workspace and save a new workspace, you can choose Window > Workspace > Save as New Workspace.

Note that after making changes to an existing workspace, you can also revert to the saved version by choosing Window > Workspace > Reset to Saved Layout.

You can learn more about customizing the interface in Adobe Bridge in the video “Customizing the Interface”, which is Chapter 1, Lesson 2, in my video course on “Adobe Bridge for Photographers”. This course is included at no additional cost in my GreyLearning Ultimate Bundle, and is also available as a standalone course here: