Unable to Move Photo Pushpins on Map


Today’s Question: I’ve found that I’m not able to move pushpins on the map in Lightroom Classic when there are multiple photos associated with the pushpin. I can still drag pushpins for single photos. Is this a bug or is there a workaround?

Tim’s Quick Answer: You can only drag a map marker to a different position if it is associated with a single image. Otherwise, you need to instead drag the images (rather than the marker) to a different position on the map.

More Detail: A marker will appear on the map in the Map module of Lightroom Classic for any image that has GPS coordinates embedded in metadata. That metadata could have been saved by a GPS-enabled camera, by synchronizing a GPS track log with image, or by simply dragging thumbnails from the filmstrip onto the map.

If a marker isn’t in exactly the right position, you can move those markers on the map. The first step is to make sure that the markers are not locked. On the toolbar below the map display there is a padlock icon. If the lock is enabled, meaning that the padlock appears closed, you can’t drag the markers on the map. You can click on the padlock icon to lock or unlock the markers.

With the markers unlocked, you can drag any marker that represents a single image by simply clicking and dragging with the mouse directly on the map. Markers that represent single images will appear without a number on them.

If a marker has a number indicating that it represents a location for more than one photo, there are two ways you can change the position for the photos represented by the marker.

The first option is to zoom in on the map so that the marker representing multiple images will change to individual markers for each image. Once you’ve zoomed in to the point that the marker you want to move represents only a single image, you can click-and-drag that marker on the map.

Of course, if a marker represents multiple photos, you may very well want to change the position for all those photos, in which case it is better to use the second option for moving a marker that represents multiple photos. To get started, zoom to an appropriate level that the marker represents all the images you want to change the position for. This would generally mean zooming out just enough that the multiple markers consolidate into one.

You can then click on that marker, which in turn will select the photos represented by that marker on the filmstrip. With those images selected you can then click on one of the thumbnails for the selected images and drag those images to a new position on the map. That, in turn, will cause the marker to move to that new position on the map.