Today’s Question: Is there a way in Adobe Bridge to see the focus point for a photo in the preview section? If not, how can I request that Adobe look at including a focal point in the preview window?
Tim’s Quick Answer: To my knowledge there is no way to view the focus point from your camera for an image in Adobe Bridge. Some camera manufacturers do make this feature available in the software for their cameras, and there is a plugin available for this purpose in Lightroom Classic. I would certainly encourage requesting this feature for Adobe Bridge using the form on the Adobe website.
More Detail: While cameras generally record the focus point that was active at the time of capturing photo in metadata, viewing that information isn’t always easy. For example, Adobe Bridge does not provide an option for viewing the active focus point from the metadata for photos.
If you’d like to submit this as a feature that you’d like to see added to Adobe Bridge, you can complete the form on the Adobe website here:
Note that this form can be used to submit suggestions for new features for any Adobe software, not just Adobe Bridge.
In the meantime, depending on which camera you’re using you may be able to view the focus point using the software from the camera manufacturer. For example, I happen to use Canon cameras, and the Digital Photo Professional software from Canon enables you to view the focus point that was used.
For those using Lightroom Classic, there is a plugin available that enables you to view the focus point for certain camera models. You can get more information about that plugin here: