Today’s Question: You mentioned the option to create a unique metadata preset to add metadata to photos during import. Could you explain how to create such a preset [in Lightroom Classic CC]?
Tim’s Quick Answer: You can create a new metadata preset using the Edit Metadata Presets dialog, which can be accessed from within the Library module by going to the menu and choosing Metadata > Edit Metadata Presets. You can then define and save the preset, which can be applied to photos during import or later in your workflow.
More Detail: After selecting Metadata > Edit Metadata Presets from the menu, you will see the Edit Metadata Presets dialog. Within this dialog you will find the various metadata fields that can be included as part of a preset, which can be used to update metadata values for photos. I recommend being thoughtful about which fields you include in a metadata preset, since you will typically use such a preset to update metadata values for a relatively large number of photos. In general, for example, you may want to limit a metadata preset to include only general contact and copyright information.
When you update any of the fields in the Edit Metadata Presets dialog, you’ll find that the checkbox to the left of those fields gets turned on automatically. When you save your preset, only the metadata fields that have the checkbox turned on will actually be included. In other words, when you apply the preset to photos, only the fields that are enabled will be applied to the photos. If you have updated a field but then decide you don’t want to include that metadata in your preset, you can turn off the checkbox.
When you have finished updating the metadata values you want included in your preset, you can save a new preset. To do so, click the Preset popup at the top of the dialog, and choose “Save Current Settings as New Preset” from that popup. In the dialog that appears, type a meaningful name for the preset, so you’ll know which preset to select in the future based on the name of the preset. Then click the Create button to create your new preset, and click the Done button to close the Edit Metadata Presets dialog.
After creating a metadata preset, you can apply that preset to photos during import or later in your workflow. During the import process you can select the preset from the Metadata popup in the Apply During Import section of the right panel in the Import dialog. Later in your workflow you can also select an image and choose the desired metadata preset from the Preset popup in the Metadata section of the right panel in the Library module.